What I have learned from my kids and Mary Poppins

"Nothing is such a useful word, it can mean anything and everything"
There have been many times in my life, where I run out of ideas. Only adults run out of ideas, purpose and drive. Kids are survivors, full of optimism and love! Of course there's energy coming out of their pores. But Why? They make it up. They live in a bubble. They don't need reality, they just make it up! Mary Poppins does so. She is a story telling machine and is able to machinate all kinds of experieces that help the children reconnect to their world, but it's not realism that helps bring them back, it's the fantastical that gives them a sense of purpose. Mary quite literally "Fakes it till she makes it", but she doesn't the mind takes over, the kids embellish it and everyone participates in creating "reality".
What a recipe!I will have to add that one to the books. These amazing divine little creatures have a power that adults do not possess, creativity and imagination. Let's sit with this for a minute. There is no stopping a child once an idea enters their mind. For them there has to be a way to do that, understand this and recreate it. Money, time, ingenuity is all relative to them. It is their mind that helps them fulfill their desires. I am amazed by that because it takes a whole lot of faith and very little know how. They will try and try again until they have achieved completion. It may not look complete to us, but to them completion isn't "what's done must be done", it's just a feeling! It's just done! How could I have missed that? I always considered myself a "start to finisher" but for some reason that feeling isn't always present once my project is "complete". Maybe we aren't supposed to see "completion", it must be felt. That comes from a spirit of satisfaction and gratitude. I mean, really. If we actually consider the relationships and experiences that still bother us from various times in our life, we can see that it is the sense of "closure" we lack that keeps us revisiting those times. But from a child's perspective: "What's done is simply done". I think these words are form MacBeth refering to a murder, but anyhow. I think I have made my point. A murder and a project, a relationship, a murder if you haven't put it past you it will haunt you. Nevertheless, we were never inteneded to be "complete" in this life. We are goal setting and achieving kind of people, but we ought to remember that big things start from small, incremental, habitual, loving steps that end as the world did when made by the hand of the Lord, under the direction of His Father in Heaven, beautiful beyond our own comprehention.
We must lead with one fearless step at a time, asking God with every step to lead and guide our paths, never second guessing his, showing gratitude for His mercy and joyfully executing his plans. I would conclude by adding to this recipe a dash of meekness. Pride has a funny way of obstructing the view for us or in my kitchen it's always about salting less and allowing others to get it to the perfect state. What a blessing for us to know that no matter how small or large the projects we take on in this life can be directed and completed through the Master creator, our Lord Jesus Christ. There is power in His name. I do so testify in the name of Jesus Christ.
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