Unconditionally...A love without boundaries

Normally, boundaries are set to protect or to help facilitate something. Right?

We set them in our own lives so we don't feel frustrated, run down, overwhelmed, and to keep our compulsiveness and impulsiveness at bay.

Because we are human, we obsess... We work, we manipulate and we plan.

I am entirely guilty of this. I obsess about the tiny details that are supposed to make things PERFECT.

Those details...

They become the "voices" that drive and motivate our actions.

One day when we finally stop to "smell the roses", we realize that we have deviated entirely from the the course.That course could be a number of things like: fun, learning, and exploring.

So many people out there teach us that we have to begin with our "why?".  The "why" helps bring us back to the original reason for "doing",  which is generally something about becoming.

In my life, my" why?" is love, which is the Happily Ever After that I seek daily. Going to bed dreaming of little fawns and butterflies and waking up to a gentle symphony is beautiful.  It is a Utopian thought, to say the least. The reason I say it is a Utopia is because it involves others.

The way I get to make my symphonic experience can be a bit contrived and selfish. I don't like discords or anything that takes me away from my a peaceful stride and all parties must see the world as I do, which is slightly unfair to those around me. Yet, the more I set boundaries for myself and others, the more I realize that I am limiting my experience and I am keeping myself from the thing that I desire most, which is understanding. My symphony becomes dull. Deep and rich experiences require that we put on the "Come what may and love it" mentality.

Allowing others to also experiment with their "Why?" and not trying to make them a pawn in my plan for Utopia is truly that unconditional love that all of us hope to receive. Unconditional love then becomes the "Balm of Gilead" ( https://www.lds.org/general-conference/1977/10/the-balm-of-gilead?lang=eng ) that soothes the soul and gives that person the affirmation that happiness comes from all sorts of experiences that we choose and those choices cannot be manipulated by another's Happily Ever After.

Balm of Gilead


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