So, now what?

I start a blog, and I am pretty sure no one reads; I continue to do it because it helps me stay focused on the task at hand. I didn't do this for this for the viewership, although that would be awesome, I did it knowing that maybe I could change one person, me. I feel that way when I embark on any journey. I have found that the best journeys are the ones where you try to help others and the one who ends up getting help is you.

How does that work?

I think as human beings we want to help others and ourselves, I really do...

I think that deep down, no matter how selfish our original intention may have been, we cannot feel satisfied until we have helped someone else.

I see it all the time. That's why we do better in teams than on our own. We need to feel validated in some way, and we always want to feel like we contributed to a larger cause. There are few of us that can live completely happy without being  a part of something with some greater sense of purpose.

So, you plan to do something, you take action, you execute and

Now what?... REPEAT, but It's the fact that merely doing isn't enough to keep us going. We actually have to become, transform into something else.These experiences, unless they really change us from a deep place within us, have no value to us. Anything we DO, we have to believe in and have hope in its purpose.

We have an inherent need to constantly be doing things to better ourselves, which include new chapters and great journeys, but now, due to media, most of what  we see people doing is a lot of spectator-ship. It's like no one can imagine actually changing anything, even themselves, but man, we sure love to have an opinion about it!

I feel for any man or woman that wants to run for any type of political office, because his/her biggest critics are the people that like to just sit back and watch and not necessarily doing anything. I can only imagine the feelings a person, such as a Presidential candidate, feels after spending two years campaigning and sharing their "why?", all of a sudden getting in there or not and saying "Now what?" Likewise, we do the same in our lives. When we finally feel a sense of purpose, we need to write it down which commits us to it, and start implementing changes day-by-day,one step at a time. We have been given such an amazing gift, which is this life. If we look at the process of life as one event after another, and not like a continuum of experiences, we will always find ourselves deflated and looking for the next best opportunity or event that will get us to where we think we should be. Otherwise, that happy little question "Now what?" will be running our lives, until we realize we should have always chosen to be happy not FOR something but IN whatever circumstances our lives may be.


  1. Maguivil, I think we'd be friends in real life.

  2. Shelli, thank you! Eric says you are one of the sweetest spirits he has ever met. I am sure we would be friends.


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