A question of toxicity
I don't like to do that, not one bit.
These emotional toxins could be your lifestyle, your circle of friends, your workplace. It's not just the drugs, the food, and the beverages that we consume. Oh no! Every fiber of our being is affected by who, what and where we place ourselves. We determine our worth based upon the attitudes or climate of that particular "place" in our lives. And, guess what? If there is no one there to encourage you to be better, then what's the point?
Here's the deal,
"Misery seeks company", and that is true any way you put it. Human beings inherently choose the path of least resistance in everything, "if it's not easy, it's not worth my time!" or if difficult decisions have to be made or challenges arise, we look for those answers from others. Our physical bodies and our brain don't want to expend the extra energy, it's literally in survival mode. So what we think is defeat is just a protective mechanism. But we can find out so much about ourselves if we just ASK! KNOCK! SEEK! DO something!
It seems like those of us that want to make changes and start down that path of wellness be it spiritual, physical or emotional are often halted by the criticism and cynicism of those around us, and because of the toxic nature of those relationships, it pulls us right back to where we started. This is where a revolution starts to take place within us and books become our Saviors. These little bits of sunshine come out of us once we start studying good literature, literature that shows us the beauty in the simple things of our world, not the complexities. It isn't productive to live in a world of fear and cynicism and superficial relationships. It is productive to seek outlets that motivate and empower the spirit, the driving force of our existence.
But first you have to give yourself permission. The permission to ask and seek.
People have questions.
Science is one big QUESTION! You need to have time to ask about things and question them. Cease to exist and live. Existing means you go through life blindly being tossed about like an unmanned ship. Living means that you find your path and your truth, and that you are the captain of your ship. You can get any kind of perspective that can answer your questions, but really the answers are all relative until you FIND your truth. You can't find your truth until you SEARCH for it. That's what I wanted and that's what I got. Speak truth to yourself, seek a life of integrity, a clean life with simple answers and simple processes. The answers to the world are not in the complexities of human beings, it's in the simplest forms of life.
So, what do we do? Ask.
Toxins have to be fed into our bodies. Therefore, we allowed them to get there. It's up to us to rid them. It's our responsibility to make our way back to ourselves, our simplest and most talented self, so that we can be Agents of Change.
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