To clean or not to clean, that is the question.

3 NEPHI 27:19 "And no unclean thing can enter into his kingdom ; therefore nothing entereth into his rest save it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their faith, and the repentance of all their sins, and their faithfulness into the end. "

Since I've had children, I realize that I spend a lot of time organizing my house not necessarily cleaning but moving stuff up and down and all around. With every season, my needs change and there is a change of mind where something should go or how it should function; I guess that's natural. Change is good every now and again, it's renewing to our minds and opens doors to creativity; however, I do believe if I took the time to plan out the changes by making small adjustments as opposed to major overhauls, I would find that I could be more efficient with the time and energy spent maintaining my house. I have found that a house with less has more to give! How wonderful is our maker in his wisdom. Now I can be more precise when I clean and I can put away my laundry quicker, it's such an incredible blessing.

Less is definitely more.

Well, how can this principle work in our lives? Let me make it simple. Less time fussing over temporal things, means that you have more time with the Savior, your family, and friends. Therefore, order in your home requires 1. Purging the excess 2. Planning your day 3. Delegating chores 4. Being consistent and then when the time comes to do a deep clean in your home, it won't be complicated, painful, or very time consuming. The more we allow the world to pile up on us, the more time we have to spend digging ourselves out of that mess. See where this is going?

I felt the spirit indicate to me that this was definitely the next post. I wanted to call it "my house" but it no longer seemed fitting, since it is the "The Lord's house" He created it and then gave us the stewardship and the agency to do as we please with it. We cannot imagine the magnitude of responsibility that was placed on us before coming to this life. We recognize that we acquire knowledge in the trials that we pass, but there is wisdom in process to overcome tribulation (Doctrine and Covenants 127:2). Acquiring wisdom from trials is like deep cleaning a house. In order to attain it, you have to take the junk out, get organized and then put your gloves on. That's why it's important to simplify. Simplification is the basics. I was talking to my husband and I said, "You know, life is one big circle: For example, here we are and the Lord gave us herbs to cure all manner of illness (Alma 46:40), we then create a title for someone that can cure us called a Doctor, who then realizes that the body is complex and requires all sort of study and experimentation, fast forward, we get pharmaceuticals, surgery,etc...forward a little more, now we realize that too much medicine has side effects, medicine is only to be taken short term, even Tylenol causes cancer, and we end up back to simplifying our ways, chicken soup it is!" You gotta laugh about that. We are not smart, we're just curious and the Lord entertains us.

So, what does my house look like? I look around and I see projects that have yet to be completed. I think we can all attest to that. I sit and I plan and I desire to do something about it, but I busy myself with other things and then it starts all over. I finally realized that I needed to spend some time thinking about what I do all day that impedes me from creating a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of learning. I learned that I could have that, if I spent a little less time organizing and a little more time cleaning. "Just do it!" It's not that hard to start it even if you don't know exactly how it all plays out. In the end, you will feel a greater sense of accomplishment from doing something, that sitting there planning and waiting for the process to be made perfectly clear in your mind. I'm not saying that having a plan is bad, but the most important is the end goal, the process will be made clear in your mind as you strive to have the Spirit with you (Doctrine and Covenants 124:97).


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