The key to happiness...

is Resiliency. This trait is imperative if we plan to "survive" or endure this life. Depression is the lack of or inability to "bounce back". It's exactly as it states, which is a state where we are depressed or overshadowed by feelings of inadequacy or guilt. Think about it, when you are resilient, you are able to find ways around things without emotionally becoming frustrated by it and you are able to remove "your self" from that situation, which helps you find outcomes that are good for the whole. Brilliant, I know this from the things I've read in the scriptures, while many were suppressed by human beings and evil kings, those that were resilient still found comfort in God and were able to see his hand in all things, which made them able to respond in an optimistic manner. They endured because of their faith which made them resilient to the oppression that they were feeling externally. No one can suppress our hearts, we are the rulers of our hearts and our minds; I plan on working on this one. This is incredible mastery, one that I've seen in many members of the church, particularly in its leaders. Spiritual self-mastery leads to great knowledge that purifies our being; thus, our countenances become more like Him whom we follow. Just my little tid-bit for today. By the way, Gadget ate pop-rocks that Grandma sent her, she was delighted and Gizmo found it pretty amusing. ~Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best! ~Fix it.


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