Our Stomachs...sifting out the good from the bad.

It's never surprising to me when my Gadget gets sick. It's always because of changes in sleep schedule, food, environment, you know; all the physical stress that it puts on little ones. My oldest is especially susceptible to the horror of the stomach bug. Without fail, she has gotten it every time we have had a vacation, where we will be commuting by air but this time I think it came from a friend that had just returned from a trip (where she was on a plane). Nevertheless, it pains me that there's no way to prevent it other than by sticking to that rhythm that human beings call "routine". It's true that we need to enforce our kid's bed times and food, but in all sincerity, it's a challenge, when you have externalities that find greater priority in your life.

I am tired. Tonight, Gizmo isn't happy and isn't falling back to sleep. I hope she does soon...goof night!

Last night, Gadget woke up every thirty minutes for a two hours stretch in pain or fearful that she would, yet again, feel that dreaded nausea creeping up. I remember that feeling precisely. In order for me to have these little ones, I have had to endure the horrors of all day sickness; it makes you feel all these convoluted emotions because you can't decide if you are really sick or just out-of-sorts. It's quite tasking an endeavor to have to endure, but I've done it twice now. I think I may have found the solution to the problem, but we won't be finding out whether or not it does work for a while...

Don't get me wrong, I love kids and if I did have great pregnancies, which I do have great deliveries; I have to admit that, I would probably have them every 24 months. Consequently, I have had to completely desist from my role as a mother and focus on myself entirely during the nine month period , which was a daunting task for me. Enough self-pity, the end result as you can see is wonderful. I am grateful to have the ability to get pregnant and never to have to endure infertility. I've often pondered what life would be like if you didn't have the option of having children? Would you want them more? That's what I've noted the trend to be amongst couples that have none. I don't pass judgement, I am mostly an observer and I've noted that it's in all aspects of our life that we tend to schedule things as if we had that much control over our lives. We want things to be puzzled perfectly into our lives at the time we think we're read. However, we seem to forget how limited we are in our understanding, which is why we have to put faith in God to give us His guidance and in Christ who gives us the strength to accept the will of the Father and endure whatever trial may beset us. In order for us to understand the order of things and the timeliness of things we would have to be able to look back where we once were and look forward to what's to come. Which is why we hearken unto the council of God to help us understand things as the are and to rely solely on Him as our guide because our minds only see the present, limited to our current state of emotion. Naturally, we are self-centered and competitive and these natures lead to impatience.

Impatience is a superficial emotion that stems from our lack of consideration and in-gratitude to Him whom gives us all.

We all become impatient when things don't fall under our own timetable, but as the Savior has taught us "not my will but Thine". We have to find resolve in the fact that we aren't here realizing our desires, we are here to serve Him that gave us this life. Him who granted us eternal salvation and progression the father of immortality, whom under the direction of the Father created all that we have. The father so willingly gave us a plan to return to him, not to sit here and become perturbed over insignificant trials that beset us and keep us from achieving our greatest potential. If we don't have it here we will have it later. It's not on our time, it's on His.

I am confident that as I acquire greater knowledge of who the Savior really was in the "great plan of happiness" that I will serve Him who gave me hope. He is our source of strength, the living water, the bread of life, the light unto this world that was needed to complete the insurmountable task of achieving immortality, which none could have achieved other than the Christ. If I need to be indebted to someone for eternity, I am glad it's for someone that loves me perfectly. ~Fix it.


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